"Highlights: The Noteworthy Newsletter" is a Free Print Works Publication of Works of God's Hands International. Below you will find excerpts from our newsletter. If you'd like to receive this newsletter in its entirety, contact us to subscribe.

The Lord has Blessed us and increased us, and for this we are thankful. Our Pastor, Elect Lady Grayer has continued to labor in prayer and in teaching of the Word of YAH/God and the ADONAI/Lord has added unto The Works of ELOHIM. We have new spiritual babes that are desiring the sincere milk of YAH/God's Word and they are being Birthed-Out through Prayer and the Truth of YAH/God's Word.

We are truly excited about what the Great I AM is doing here at the Works of Elohim. Our Tuesday Bible Encounter is on Fire! Adonai is using our Pastor in the Teaching Anointing. Truth and Revelation is flowing like a River! We look forward each week with great anticipation to hear what God is going to say and do in the Bible Encounter - for truly we know that we are going to encounter the GREAT I AM through his Word, and be Changed!

In one of the Bible Encounter sessions, our Pastor was sharing her testimony about a hairstyle that she saw and conceived in her spirit. Then the Spirit of the GREAT I AM began to deal with her and to give her a revelation about the fertileness of our spirits. As she was sharing the revelation, a sister got convicted by the Holy Spirit, and went home the same night and began to take down her hairstyle because she did not want to style and profile after the world. No one coerced her or was trying to talk her out of her hairstyle - she shared what happened to her the very next day with our Pastor. We're talking about the Holy Spirit at work not flesh and blood!

Taking Healing to the
Nations of the World

That teaching really made us examine ourselves, and brought such soberness. It showed us how Quickly we conform to the ways of the world instead of being quick to conform to the ways of the GREAT I AM. He commanded us not to conform to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, so that we can prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of the GREAT I AM to the world. (Rom 12:1) The word became life right in the Bible Encounter and proved itself right before our eyes in bringing about transformation - not two weeks later but the very same day! Now Faith!

We are to be setting the standard for the world, not the world setting the standard for the Church. YAHOVAH told us to put a difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean (Lev 10:10) So there must be a difference. If there is no difference, then why choose! But the GREAT I AM has clearly said - choose this day who you will Serve!

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From Infants to Teens, the Word of the GREAT I AM is making a difference. We thank HIM for the Youth in our Ministry. The taught word is so rich that the children come prepared to listen and take notes - they look forward to the time of review with Pastor. They are anxious to share what they have learned from the word of YAHOVAH/God.

This is not a traditional ministry - everybody has to become actively involved in getting to know YAH/GOD's word - the Great I AM/God has uniquely designed it that way. No more coming to church and sitting for hours and leaving empty - someone asks you "what did the preacher preach/teach?" and you reply "I don't know, but it was good!". In the "Bible Encounter" you will leave having learned something out of the Word of YAH/God that will make a difference. When you're able to get and keep the attention of young people - then you know that YAH/God is truly using you!

The children celebrated a wonderful Hallelujah Nite! The house was packed - kids everywhere! Good wholesome, food, clean fun and games - and of course - treats and prizes! The parents provided their Love and support to the children and bringing forth an alternative to the Halloween celebration - which we do not celebrate. YESHUA/Jesus is the Only Living God whose worthy of High Praise! We had worship service for the children and they participated. Pastor Prayed and Ministered to all the children. It was truly a Blessing!

Children Obey your Parents in the Lord!

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